Saitama Inu (SAITAMA) Profit Calculator

Current (SAITAMA) Price:
Buy Price
Sell Price
ROI (Profit/Loss)
Total Investment Worth
Total Profit
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How to Use Saitama Inu (SAITAMA) Profit Calculator
You can use this Saitama Inu profit calculator to retrieve the current profit or return on investment (ROI) of your SAITAMA position. You can also use this as a SAITAMA Time Machine or an ‘if I bought SAITAMA calculator’ to see how much SAITAMA would be worth at a certain date or as a SAITAMA price prediction calculator for future targets.
Choose the amount of Saitama Inu bought and select your currency, then choose the date of purchase. If you would like to use custom token prices instead of dates, then click the toggle switch and fill in your target prices. Once all fields are filled, hit ‘Calculate ROI’ to check your SAITAMA profit.
How does Saitama Inu (SAITAMA) Profit Calculator Work?
The Saitama Inu profit calculator fetches the live (current) and historical (purchase) prices of SAITAMA using the CoinGecko API. The calculator takes these token prices and runs them through the formula below to calculate the ROI (profit/loss) percentage of the investment and how much it is currently worth.
$capital = Amount of capital invested
$buy_price = Initial price of token (on date of purchase)
$sell_price = Sold price of token (on date of sale)
$tokens = $capital / $buy_price
$profit = ($tokens * $sell_price) – $capital
ROI (%) = ($profit/$capital) * 100